All posts by ivanna

The Trees Are Her Lungs

The Trees Are Her Lungs

Trees are vital to our survival, it is said that the Earth “breathes” through the trees. There is a lot of truth in this as trees are nature’s oxygen factory-

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Anise Seed Syrup

Anise Seed Syrup

  ivannaDaughter of the Earth, Mother of her creations. Ivanna (Evie) doesn’t care for titles, but the ones that fit best are homeschool mom, herbalist, and blogger. Her greatest joy

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Awareness for Humanity

Awareness for Humanity

There is a day or month for just about every disease, social, and environmental issue. And for every such day or month, there is an organization poised to ask for

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Reverse Perceived Beauty

Reverse Perceived Beauty

Beauty isn’t only skin deep. There are many, hundreds if not thousands, of beauty products that promote beautiful skin, amazing eyelashes, shiny nails, sparkly eyes… But at what cost? Have

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Freedom of Speech

Freedom of Speech

 The United States of America is a great country founded upon the belief in freedom. Amendment I Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the

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