Clean Eatin’

Clean Eatin’

Clean Eatin’

Every year EWG releases their updated list of produce that contain the highest and lowest levels of pesticide residues. They call it the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen. Although there are more than twelve items that fall into the high residue category, only the top twelve are listed.

The Dirty Dozen is non-organic produce that has the highest pesticide residues, listed in order with 1 being the highest. These are items that consumers should consider purchasing as organic. The Clean Fifteen are items that contain the lowest pesticide residues. These can be purchased as non-organic with little concern of high pesticide residues. It is important to note, that a small amount of sweet corn, papaya, and summer squash (not listed in the top 15) are grown with GMO seed. So if avoiding GMO’s is a priority, then it’s best to purchase these as organic.

This is a great list, as buying organic can become costly for many people. To aid in your next trip to the grocery store, take note of the list or keep a copy of it with your shopping list. Navigating the grocery store while making the best effort to find healthy, whole, and nourishing foods can be a daunting task. It doesn’t need to be! Contact me and we can work together on a holistic wellness plan that suits your lifestyle.





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