Category : Holistic Wellness

Stories from the Magical Garden in Summer

Stories from the Magical Garden in Summer

The ample rain we received during the winter and spring this year made for an abundant garden. This bounty welcomed a few new plants and encouraged some of the established

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Autumn Reflections

Autumn Reflections

Join me on a little stroll through the Magical Garden in Autumn. The magical garden is feeling the first touches of autumn. There is a sense of busyness in the air

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Simple Remedies to Ease Symptoms from Wildfire Smoke

Simple Remedies to Ease Symptoms from Wildfire Smoke

My home state, California, is currently experiencing multiple wildfires. Additionally, at this time, there are wildfires burning in other states and even other countries. Regardless of how far you are

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Holistic Renewal in the Spring Garden

Holistic Renewal in the Spring Garden

Spring does not enter quietly. It’s as if all the seasons gathered together in a wavering crescendo of warm sunny days, blustery wind, rain, and even the occasional snow. It’s

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Blessings for the New Year

Blessings for the New Year

In the past, I have mentioned that New Year’s Resolutions aren’t really my thing. I prefer to live in the present. It’s a positive act to set the intention and

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