Simple Remedies to Ease Symptoms from Wildfire Smoke
My home state, California, is currently experiencing multiple wildfires. Additionally, at this time, there are wildfires burning in other states and even other countries. Regardless of how far you are from the actual fires, there is a possibility that some of the smoke may reach you. And you may not even see or smell smoke, but the particulate matter that is carried by the smoke can pose a health hazard. You may feel it in your eyes, sinuses, or lungs.
I have had a few people inquire on how to deal with some of the annoying issues the smoky air is causing. I figured I would put together a list of suggestions in the hopes that it may provide relief to anyone that is affected by the smoke. Please keep in mind that this is not meant to replace medications or advice from a qualified healthcare provider. Also, please seek medical advice for any worsening symptoms or if you are undergoing treatment for a health condition.
- Stay indoors, close windows, and use fans. An air purifier is also helpful. A face mask is not recommended unless it’s a mask with a particulate respirator.
- Himalayan salt lamps attract pollutants and assist in clearing the air. However, I wouldn’t recommend relying on just this fully. Perhaps better combined with other methods.
- A neti pot can provide much relief to irritated sinuses. Nasal sprays can help some as well.
- Himalayan salt pipe inhalers may help with inflammation and improve respiratory function.
- Increase water intake to prevent dehydration and encourage detoxification. Water is crucial to maintaining physical and mental balance.
- Smoke exposure causes oxidative damage. Increase intake of Vitamin C, an antioxidant, through foods and supplements. This is the Vitamin C supplement I recommend.
- Glutathione, also an antioxidant, encourages our body to heal and detox after smoke exposure. And it also works in synergy with Vitamin C.
- An herbal steam is soothing for the sinuses and lungs. To prepare an herbal steam, add some fresh or dried herbs to a pot of boiling water. I do about a handful of fresh herbs, a little less if dried. Cover the pot and remove it from the heat source. Allow the herbs to steep for a few minutes.
Place a towel over your head and then remove the lid from the pot. Create a tent over the pot, be careful not to burn yourself with the steam. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and relax. Enjoy the healing vapor for about 10-20 minutes. Adjust time to your comfort level. Please do not allow children to do this unattended.It’s ok to reuse the herbs a couple of times and then compost when finished. Here are some herbs that I like to use to alleviate respiratory issues: chamomile, eucalyptus, lavender, mint, mullein, oregano, rosemary, sage, thyme, and yarrow. Use any of these alone or as a combination. A blend I like to use is oregano, thyme, and chamomile.
- Tinctures that help to soothe the lungs include nettle (Urtica dioica) and mullein leaf (Verbascum thapsus). If possible look for tinctures made with glycerin, called glycerites, as tinctures made with alcohol can be more drying. These plants can also be taken as an infusion.
- Herbal teas that are soothing due to the presence of mucilage include marshmallow root and/or leaf (Althea officinalis), slippery elm (Ulmus rubra), plantain (Plantago major or lanceolata), and hollyhock (Alcea rosea). Ginger root tea is also anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory. Honey, added to tea or on its own, also helps to soothe irritated lungs.
- Two herbal respiratory support combinations that I have had success with include Lung Tonic and Calm Breathing.
- For irritated eyes, try an eyewash or an herbal compress. Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis) and chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile or Matricaria recutita) are both excellent herbs for eye care. If making an eyewash, be sure to strain out all plant matter. There are also pre-made eyewash combinations available such as this one. For a compress, use a cotton muslin bag filled with herbs or a wet tea bag. Chamomile or black tea are both excellent choices for a compress.
Hopefully, some of these methods provide you and your loved ones some relief until the skies clear up. In an effort to stay on topic and from becoming too lengthy, the supplements and herbs mentioned are just an overview of their benefits and uses. Many other herbs and supplements can offer similar benefits. Also, before adding anything new to your current regimen, keep in mind any possible interactions between herbs, supplements, and medications. Feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss any of this more in-depth. The majority of the above-mentioned are also beneficial in easing the symptoms of viruses and allergies.

Clockwise from top left- mullein (Verbascum thapsus), Himalayan salt inhaler, plantain (Plantago major), neti pot.
This too shall pass, and clear skies will return, but for now, please maintain your thoughts and prayers with everyone that is affected by these fires- the firefighters that give so much, their families that wait at home, and the people and animals that reside in the fire zones.
This blog is for informational purposes only and is educational in nature. Statements made here have not been evaluated by the FDA. This blog is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before making any dietary or lifestyle changes.
Read more here about wildfire smoke.
Health impacts of wildfire smoke.
More information about salt therapy.

Daughter of the Earth, Mother of her creations. Ivanna (Evie) doesn’t care for titles, but the ones that fit best are homeschool mom, herbalist, and blogger. Her greatest joy is guiding others to find true wellness within themselves and Mother Earth. When not spending time with her beloved family, she can be found researching everything related to holistic wellness, crafting herbal remedies, or visiting with the plants in the Magical Garden.
Response to "Simple Remedies to Ease Symptoms from Wildfire Smoke"
Wow! Wow! I’m so sorry to hear this! Sending you all heaps and heaps of positive loving and healing energies. I’m really intrigued by the salt inhalers – never heard of this before. Thank you for the wealth of information. I’m going to save this list for when my allergies act up. Much love, from the east coast. — mona
Hi Mona! You are so welcome— thank you for stopping by!! <3
We really love our salt inhaler. I've had it for years and all you have to do is change the salt every six months or so.
Love and blessings to you!!
Such wonderful information! Thank you so much. It’s comforting to be able to be proactive in our healing care. The air here in the Bay Area is so toxic right now! It’s horrible. Yes, please pray for our Firefighters and Law Enforcement ( so often the unsung hero’s)!! Law Enforcement are rescuing, evacuating and searching for people and animals in need….at great risk to their own safety, also! They have also thwarted and controlled looting all around these terrible fires.. Thank You Ivanna 💜
Hello Connie, thank you for stopping by. I’m glad you found this helpful. It’s so tragic and my heart goes out to all that have been affected.
Keeping all the brave women and men that are risking their lives for others in our thoughts and prayers.
Wishing you well,