Category : Holistic Wellness

Ojos que no ven….

Ojos que no ven….

So you’ve finally decided to purchase organic produce. Or perhaps you made the commitment to grow your own veggies, without the use of pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides. Fantastic! If you

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Green Tea and Heavy Metal

Green Tea and Heavy Metal

Hop into my car and you may be treated (or tortured?) to a variety of tunes. It could be Slayer, Dio, Bad Religion, perhaps, Blackmore’s Night, The Beatles, Spiral Dance,

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Clean Eatin’

Clean Eatin’

Every year EWG releases their updated list of produce that contain the highest and lowest levels of pesticide residues. They call it the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen. Although there are more

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Give Me Your Number

Give Me Your Number

On a recent trip to the grocery store with my 9-year-old daughter, she reminded me of something I rarely think about these days. I asked her to grab a couple

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Engage in the Consciousness of Plants

Engage in the Consciousness of Plants

The locavore or local food movement has gained much attention over the years. It’s a wonderful statement to purchase locally for a variety of reasons, including supporting the local economy,

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