All posts by ivanna



It was nearly the end of summer, and as I collected hollyhocks, I came across a uniquely colored one. It had a pinkish line as if someone had marked it

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Imagine a moonless night on a mountain top where you can see the stars shine with all their brilliance. All the while, knowing there is more beyond what you can

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Tortilla Soup

Tortilla Soup

The winter solstice, also known as midwinter, falls on the 21st of December this year. For those of us in the northern hemisphere, it is the day where we experience

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Stories from the Magical Garden in Summer

Stories from the Magical Garden in Summer

The ample rain we received during the winter and spring this year made for an abundant garden. This bounty welcomed a few new plants and encouraged some of the established

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Stay Centered

Stay Centered

The past season blessed us with an abundance of winter weather, and the colder temperatures graced us with some beautiful snow as well.  As the storms moved on, the warmer

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