Blessings for the New Year

Blessings for the New Year

Blessings for the New Year

In the past, I have mentioned that New Year’s Resolutions aren’t really my thing. I prefer to live in the present. It’s a positive act to set the intention and there is much to benefit from such achievements. However, I often view resolutions as ideas that someone sees as a far-off and perhaps even unattainable long-term goal. Set those intentions, but live in the present at the same time. Make changes today, even if they seem small.

Over the years I have made an Earth Promise in place of a resolution. This is a holistic, environmentally friendly task that I focus on implementing throughout the year. These endeavors vary from year to year and can include learning something new or making a change in our household.

This year, my Earth Promise is a little bit different. I have learned that self-improvement is a never-ending process. As my wellness journey has evolved, I have made many discoveries and changes. At different times in my life, I have focused on the different aspects of my wellness journey. 

The Wellness Journey

The intention of a wellness journey is to achieve holistic wellness. To thrive in the harmonious balance of wellness within our mind, body, and spirit. For many a wellness journey begins with dietary changes and an exercise program. The physical part of wellness is the easiest for most of us, make a few changes and we eventually see results. 

What about the other two elements of the wellness journey? The mental and spiritual part? We may not realize it, but many of us put quite a bit of effort into getting our minds right. Some refer to this as a mindset. It’s through the practice of mindfulness that we are guided. And then there is the spiritual element. In this sense, spiritual is apart from any type of religion. As a matter of fact, you can maintain atheist beliefs and still work on spirit. Our spiritual being is the source that motivates and inspires us. This may or may not be viewed in a religious manner, it’s about connecting with your own authentic higher self. I leave that for you to decide. We all have our own beliefs, and I respect all of them.  

My Earth Promise

My Earth Promise this year is to connect more with the spiritual aspect of my wellness journey. To listen to the Earth and connect with her creatures. To honor the cycles of the Earth. To deepen my understanding of the rhythms of our natural world and the role we play in it. To continue to walk in harmony with the Earth in the belief that healing the planet initiates healing within ourselves. And through this understanding and learning, my intent is to share it with others.

My wish is that my post inspires you to create your own tradition of Earth Promises. Additionally, in sharing this here with you, dear reader, I have also set the intention for myself to fulfill my own Promise. May the coming year bless you and your loved ones with infinite love and an abundance of blessings.



Response to "Blessings for the New Year"

  • Excellent publication! And that of living the here and now, for nap I have been implementing it a few years ago! The advice of equilibrium or well-being of body, mind and spirit I am well in mind and spirit, I would only need to add exercise! And the truth that we good advice! Thank you! Namasté

    • Thank you, Santiago! That’s awesome that this has been your practice for some time.I always feel my best when I work towards maintaining this balance as well.

  • I love everything about this gesture/intention and commitment! I will join you on the earth promise… hope to gain more clarity and connection to Mother Earth and my own body. Thank you so much for sharing your earth promise… ❤️

  • I guess you already know, but something very important is to take root with the earth every day to help her and help us. We recommend at least a half hour a day, so we give the earth the excess of positrons (Jucha) and it returns us ions (Sami) and thus we maintain balance with the earth.

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